Wake Up Japanでは、毎月行っているオンラインイベント、対話の実験室をスピンオフ企画として、11月13日(土)に開催されるYONAOSHI-Remake the World 世直しー社会を変えてもええじゃないか!(国際日本学会)内の分科会にて、2つのワークショップを実施します。
日時 2021年11月13日(土)10:00-18:00
場所 オンライン(Zoom)
費用 無料
言語 英語
【Wake Up Japan実施ワークショップ情報】
Activism1: Dialogue Lab -Bystander, Upstander and Performative Allyship-
時間 15:00-15:55
場所 Yellow BREAKOUT Room (Zoom内)
Activism2: Dialogue Lab-How do we take part in social movements in Japan?-Commons and differences on the strategy, goal, communication and mobilization -
時間 16:00-16:55
場所 Yellow BREAKOUT Room (Zoom内)
OPENING REMARKS (10:15-10:25)
SESSION I (10:30-11:25)
i. (green room) Who are you? “Know your true sexuality and change your attitude”
ii. (blue room) Herstory of “Comfort Women” Across the Asia-Pacific Women’s Voices and My Interviews
iii. (red room) Soldiers & Sex Workers Resisting militarized and sexual violence in Okinawa
iv.(yellow room) Indigenous People and Saving the World
SESSION II (11:30-12:25)
i. (green room) Environment and Human Life: How Rich Countries are Taking from Poor Countries the Chance to Develop
ii. (blue room) The Responsibility to Protect Okinawan Women
iii. (red room) Gendered History, women's history and feminist history in Japan
iv. (yellow room) Attention! to the 2 “S”s Sex Trade & Subaltern Women’s History in Japan
v. (orange room) AMNESTY: Framing the climate crisis as a human rights issue: Why telling our stories is important!
Dr. Charles Chi-wai CHEUNG, Hong Kong Baptist University
How has Japan's Kawaii Culture
Transformed our world?
Session III (14:00-14:55)
i. (green room) Racism in Disney Let’s Uncover Our Racial Bias through Movies
ii. (blue room) VOICES The truth of the U.S. military bases problem in Okinawa
iii. (red room) Corporate Smokescreens Evaluate your complicit role as consumers in contributing to environmental and social issues.
iv. (yellow room) Uneven effect of Globalization
Session IV (15:00-15:55)
i. (green room) Climate Refugees in Bangladesh and America Save the climate, save refugees and save ourselves. It’s our planet, our future.
ii. (blue room) Politics of Identity
iii. (red room) Uses and Abuses of Media Learn how the media deprives us of our freedom
iv. (yellow room) Activism1: Dialogue Lab - Bystander, Upstander and Performative Allyship-
Session V (16:00-16:55)
i. (green room) Of Apathy and Negligence: Okinawan and Lumad Indigeneity
ii. (blue room) Can you speak up on seeing sexual violence?
iii. (red room) Democracy and Resistance: The Stories of People Who are Forbidden to Speak up
iv. (yellow room) Activism2: Dialogue Lab -How do we take part in social movements in Japan? - Commons and differences on the strategy, goal, communication and mobilization
Shinako OYAKAWA, Okinawa University
Militarization and Democracy in Okinawa
Jinshiro MOTOYAMA, Hitotsubashi University
US Military Base Problem in Okinawa
