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【参加者募集/オンライン】8月28日(土): EthicTak-Dialogue about the activism on Fair, Ethical & Sustainability



When we found like-minded people fighting for same purpose from different society, it strongly empowers and inspires us.

On the activism on fair, ethical and sustainability, we, as individuals, tended to recognize ourselves too much small power. In this contexts, connecting to like-minded people in different societies is very important.

Wake Up Japan is proudly to announce that we would organize the event with energetic young activists from Victoria, Australia on 28th August. We are collaborating with student activists in Deakin University and we would have a time to share our passions and spirits toward fair, ethical and sustainability, especially, under the pandemic.

In this event, you do not need special knowledge. We just ask about the passion and little English Speaking Skill(We would like to support the participant from Japan who are not good at).

Let's come and join us!

*Wake Up Japan had started the project on the ethical and sustainability since 2020. We are now educating about what is fair, ethical and sustainability through the event and information sharing and working on the creating the daily choices through importing the fair trade product.


EthicTak-Dialogue about the activism on Fair, Ethical & Sustainability under the pandemic-

Date  28th August, 2021 Time  19:00-20:30(UTC+9) / 28th Aug 20:00-21:30(UTC+10)

Venue Zoom Capacity 100

Target anyone fighting for fair, ethical and/or sustainability

Fee Free/Gift Economy*If you can afford to donate, take a time or so on, we are happy to accept any donation, volunteer or so on.

Language English(But we are welcomed if you are not fluent but passion.)


1.Introduction & Safe Space Creation/anti-racism policy

2.Activities Sharing on activities in Australia and Japan

3.Small Group Dialogue on the passions and spirits toward activism



Please access to the following the link and submit the form.

*If you do not understand the questions because this page was written Japanese and small English, please send message to wkupjpn☆ ☆ to @).

*We will send the Zoom link an hour before the event.







Wake Up Japanでは、2020年にエシカルとサステイナビリティプロジェクトを開始し、エシカル(倫理性)、フェア(公正さ)、サステイナビリティ(持続可能性)などに関する認識や理解を高めるための機会の提供や日常的に生活の中で選択することの一つとしてフェアトレードの輸入などに取り組んでいます。


EthicTak-Dialogue about the activism on Fair, Ethical & Sustainability under the pandemic-

日時 8月28日(土)19:00-20:30(日本時間)

場所 Zoom

定員 100名

対象 フェア(トレード)やエシカル、持続可能性に対して活動をしている方

費用 無料/ギフトエコノミー(余裕のある方はカンパやボランティアなど歓迎です。)

言語 英語(英語が流暢じゃない場合でも参加は可能です。)


1. 概要説明と安心の場づくり、イベントを行う上での反差別規程紹介

2. オーストラリアと日本の活動紹介

3. ブレイクアウトセッションでの思いについての対話

4. 振り返り





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