Wake Up Japan organized the dialogue event titled as "EthicTak-Dialogue about the activism on Fair, Ethical & Sustainability". It was really nice opportunity to dialogue with young activists who belong to Fair Trade Vision in Deakin University, Australia on 28th August.
Sometime, fighting against global supply chain or system makes us lost because individuals seems too small to change the world. But fortunately, several Wake Up Japan members recognized energetic activists in Japan and other countries. When we recognized such like-minded people, we realized that the solidarity and unity for ethical, fair, sustainability and social justice. Such experience motivated and empowered us. So we organized this event.
At the event, we started with Safe Space Building and showing anti-racism policy for ensuring safer space to everyone. Then we moved to self-introduction as ice breaker. Each participant introduced their own name, gender pronounce, favorite fair trade product and any expectation to the event.
After the ice breaker, we moved for sharing the case studies of activities. At beginning, Komomo, Wake Up Japan Member, kindly explained fair trade market and her campus activities when she studied in university and Yoichi, Wake Up Japan, explained the gap of mobilization on sustainability through the case of global action on climate change with other countries. Then, Miki and Sofya, Fair Trade Vision Member, explained what they does. There was questions and answer session after the presentation. It was really nice to know each other.

Next session is sharing the WHY. Each participant shared the reason they worked for fair, ethical and sustainability. Some of them shared their own personal background. It was heartful moments.

Then, we moved to the discussion on Thinking how we should do under the pandemic. Yoichi explained the situation of fair trade farmer under the pandemic according to the Fair Trade USA's information and he also explained the survey done by Hyogo Community Foundation on the impact to civic organization. Although the pandemic created the barriers to connect with people, how should we engage people to the activism. Each participant talked with their own ideas.
Finally, there was the reflection time. everyone shared their own feeling and lesson learned.
We would like to share several comments below.
・ Dialogue is really nice. It inspired me to know the activist in other countries.
・It was really nice to understand our society and fair trade progress with perspectives of others.
・It was a great opportunity to reflect "Why" we act for the fairer world. Even though we are divided and spending a tough time due to the pandemic, tonight, I felt unite for changing the world better place.
Wake Up Japan had started the project on the ethical and sustainability since 2020. We are now educating about what is fair, ethical and sustainability through the event and information sharing and working on the creating the daily choices through importing the fair trade product.
If you are interested, feel free to contact us.

8月28日(土)にオーストラリア、メルボルンを中心にフェアトレードやエシカル、持続可能性に関して活動する学生との対話イベント、EthicTak-Dialogue about the activism on Fair, Ethical & Sustainabilityを開催しました。オーストラリアのDeakin大学で活動するFair Trade Visionという団体に参加するメンバーを招いて話を聞きました。
当日はWake Up Japanのエシカルとサステイナビリティプロジェクトのメンバーを中心に日豪からの参加者が集まり話し合いをしました。人数も小規模だったので、終始にこやかな雰囲気で企画を進めることができました。
続いて、日本とオーストラリアのそれぞれの活動紹介を行いました。日本の事例紹介としては、Wake Up Japanのメンバーである鈴木洋一から気候変動に対する動員の各国比較から日本における運動の広がりと諸外国との違いの説明が行われ、また同メンバーの丹波小桃からは学生時代に行っていた活動や現在のフェアトレード市場についての説明を行いました。続いて、Fair Trade Visionからは、同団体のメンバーのMikiとSofyaから大学や地域で行っている活動についての紹介がなされました。
その後、質疑応答がなされ、双方から質問がなされました。特に印象深かったこととして、コロナ禍の影響でFair Trade Visionのメンバー数が減少しているが、それでも50名を超えるメンバーが在籍しているという話でした。日本社会においても50名を超えるフェアトレードやエシカルにかかわる団体はありますが、1つの大学のみで活動する団体で、かつ減少をしていて50名を超えているというのは驚きでした。
Wake Up Japanでは、2020年にエシカルとサステイナビリティプロジェクトを開始し、エシカル(倫理性)、フェア(公正さ)、サステイナビリティ(持続可能性)などに関する認識や理解を高めるための機会の提供や日常的に生活の中で選択することの一つとしてフェアトレードの輸入などに取り組んでいます。